I took this first picture of the Astilbe, before I realised that there was running water behind it.The Streamside is so densely planted with marginal plants that at some points you cannot see it.I think it is one of the largest streamside gardens in the country. Harlow Beck that dissects the valley in half runs the length of the garden, from all the streams that feed into it, and the queen mothers lake. There are hostas, Astilbes, Gunneras, Bergenia, Flag Iris, and more I could not identify. This will be a quick selection before i go to sleep after my night shift...
You've been tagged for the Seven Random Things About Me, Meme. Visit http://mygrandpasgarden.com/?p=93 for the rules! Happy Blogging!
Thanks Michelle,I will do a random things post on monday after my nights :)
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