Blue pinecones like Bee hives...

The Deciduous tree's changed into Fir tree's with the pineapple looking pinecones.First in brown and green..

Electric Lillys...these are very vibrant..they dont smell so they are probably Asiatic.They would light up hot borders with an explosion of their Fiery petals.

The Bench in the scented border, with lots of interesting tree's, shrubs, climbers, and summer bulbs.

The Colours here are fab of a Mahonia, with the mystery blue berrys hanging down.Its not come out clear the photo though :(

Red Flowering Honeysuckle, and some unknown dark green leaved tree with blue berrys..

The Philadelphus in profile hanging down from some Tree's..

The Soft scented petals of the Mock Orange in the Eastern edge border.Philadelphus Virginia.I want one of these in my garden.
Thanks for all the great photos. This looks like an amazing garden.
mock oranges smell so good!!! They are a must have in a garden.. I love those crazy looking pinecones..
Hi Claire,I am mad for photographing every bit I walked about.The hard part is putting the posts together.I think this is an amazing Yorkshire garden that does great things working with the testing local conditions.Each post hopefully builds up to a nice view of Harlow Carr...
Thanks Dirty Fingernails,I loved the smell ut it was more sweet than oranges?Do your mockoranges smell citrusy?The pine cones are good, especially the blue one.
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