Unknown named flower in an ice cream mix of white and pink.It had fallen over the flowering spike in the recent rain.I love the soft pastel colours, and it was scented of course!

The lovely smelling Nepeta Cataria, which ad fragrant leaves when moved to try and photograph the next photo. It is often used to edge paths for the scent when brushed past.This is on my wishlist now.

The Clematis Petite Foucon with its purple, propellar like flower buds twisting outwards, and cream firework like centre. This also smells fragrant, and flowers for 3 months a year. It needs tying onto climbing support though as it doesnt grip like other Clematis.

The spent flower head of the Clematis Petite Foucon..

The Lovely Apple mint smelt of fresh apples,I'd be forever smelling the plant if i had it in my garden.

Another delicious Pink scented rose, all the roses used here were strongly fragrant with lovely old rose scent.

A sweetly Scented Viburnum I think...Tell me if im wrong :)
I think the first flower is a Phlox Snappy.
Thanks UK Bob,Its been ages since I dropped by your potting shed where the kettle is.I am glad you have seen my posts.I was not sure if you still read it.I will have to link your blog on my sidebar. Fellow Yorkshire Gardeners!
You supply the coffee and I will bake some cakes and biscuits.Maybe a treat for Tommy and Tippy too :)
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