The flower is developing at the centre, and will have white ruffles around the green/blue flower.They are not as sharp as they look though.
It is on the front room windowsill, near to the Passionflower. It will be photographed more im sure soon when it flowers.
Hi Snappy, I think it will like being inside more than out this summer LOL! Bob.
Hi David,
I can't wait to see that flower too.
Thanks UK Bob,I was thinking about you the other day.Once I have done the RHS course I could join you for some big Garden experience if your employers would let you have a helper.I have found the RHS does one year work programmes for Horticultural students/graduates.
The Eryngium will be happier on a windowsill than in the mire of a rain sodden garden.
Thanks Becky I will post a photo when it flowers :)
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