The new kitchen garden at the back of the new house. These took three days to make, dig the soil, fill with manure from Hils allotment, and adding three big bags of compost.
Like a cake mix I kept turning the soil over and over untill it was like chocolate brownie mix.
The Cherry tree and white flowered one are to the left.
The Raspberry, Gooseberry, and thornless Blackberrys are behind the beds..
I planted Strawberrys, Onions, Shallots, and Carrots yesterday...
The greenhouse is full of more plants. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Pea's, Runner Beans, Green Beans, Leeks, Courgettes, Squashes, Cabbages, Beetroots, and Red Cabbages. Also Chilli's and Tomato's..
I start off small and get more into growing things, and suddenly I have hundreds of plants growing. I am positively addicted to growing plants.
From kitchen door to the beds is about one hundred and fifty feet...Fresh home grown vegetables.
Gardeners World are extolling the virtue of home grown Vegetables. Toby Buckland was giving passing people seeds to sow in pots, and take home on the last program. Celebrity chefs are into growing fresh herbs and vegetables at home and in their restaurants.
Last year was the first time I tried growing Potatoes and Vegetables after I got the allotment. I was a flower man before, with maybe the odd Tomato plant, and some Herbs.
Cat and me will cook many meals with Veggies from the allotment, and our kitchen garden.
(Ps I am writing this at Mums whilst they are watching Mama Mia...)