Todays post is from the allotment yesterday. The sun was shining, and I took Cat up to bring the baby Cabbage Excel that I have been growing in the garden. The Excels are all year round and can be grown for the Summer, or over the winter too. I did not know what to have growing overwinter. I thought if all the soil was left bare it would be weed heaven by the spring.
We cleared the borage roots and dead French Beans from one bed, then turned the soil over. It was lovely like Chocolate Brownie mix. The years growing, regular turning, and adding manure have stopped the clay soil from sticking together.

Mr Saddiqs neglected soil has capped off, that is the clay particles have stuck together so the soil has no drainage. The water just sits above the capped layer making the soil very sticky and it drowns plant roots.
I plan to use my excess garden compost to add to the vegetable beds up at the allotment.
Cat planted five rows of Broadbeans Aquadulce, that I bought from Wilkos. At the flower shows these Broadbean seeds had been totally sold out. It can be grown over winter and harvested in June.
The top photo shows a Strawberry in October, the second flush of fruit on Mr Saddiqs neglected bed.
The bottom photo shows me turning the soil over where the potatoes grew. The Broad beans are here now.
The Runner Bean canes have started to fall apart, as the combination of wind and rain broke the twine that made them a great A frame.
The roots will be left in, and dug into the soil to release the nitrogen that the roots fix into the soil.
My Brussel Sprouts are now forming in the middle left hand corner. Above them the late planted Parsnips are growing. The courgettes are now in the compost pile chucked on the black plastic.It will hopefully suppress weeds as the two compost bins are totally full.This can be broken down by natural processes then added to the beds.
I harvested the most giant sized Carrots and Radish yesterday. I suspect they were left in the ground a little too long. This year has been so educational in the horticultural skill of growing fresh Vegetables.
my Autumn projects is to build a raised Strawberry bed to plant with the seven by the Courgette bed, and another eight from Runners off the Garden Strawberrys. I need to get some wood to line the edge of the bed to keep the Strawberrys well drained and growing over the winter. Hopefully they will crop prolifically next year.
I have to dig a shed base too, ready for some heavy slabs and sand so I can actually store my tools that are up at the allotment hidden away.
I enjoyed planting the winter Cabbage plants and getting my fingers into the soil. It was pure therapy for me after my bitter sweet post yesterday.
Im back on nights for four night shifts, then back on days staight afterwards.It will be a week before I can get back upto the plot.