A final photo of the Chimaphila flowers on the Tile. They are amazingly detailed representations of the two plants mentioned.
Cheima is greek for winter, and Philos for lover. There are five species of this evergreen plant of which Umbrellata is found in the Northern Hemisphere.
They are now classed in the family Ericacea, instead of Pyrolaceae.
Pipsisewa is Cree for breaks into small pieces, so i guess the plant is delicate.
Diplotaxis Muralis is called Wall Rocket. I found it on the plants for a future database. Its leaves can be eaten as a peppery salad leaf, or they can be used as a condiment, or added to cooked food. Hence Wall Mustard. It must have be found commonly growing under the shelter of walls.
It has been naturalised in Southern Britain. It flowers from June to September.
The question for me is how did they end up on a kithen windowill in a flat in Wakefield? The previous occupants or the handyman have painted over the windowsill with the paint that formed a layer of protection.....
Guess What I managed to Track down? The set that these two hidden beautys came from.
There are a Set of Six Botanical pictures: Alchemilla vulgaris, Chimapila umbelata, Veronica anagallis aquatica, Diplotaxis muralis, and Rumex conglomeratus. $54 for six six inch tiles with the Ceramic Design kilned onto the tile permenantly.
The Mystery deepens. Two tiles out of a set of Six. I wander if the other four were Broken or are they beneath the painted tiles that surround the sink?
I cant find any UK supplier of the six designs from Artontiles.Im happy I found them beneath the covering paint.
Leave a comment if you have the set of six, and where you bought them from.
I think this is so magic. Like an archeological find almost. Treasures hidden for years, and you were the one that happened to discover them. Those are lovely tiles.
Salixtree, The Chimaphila was underneath paint totally.I had no idea it was there.Yesterday was a mixture of Archeology and magic.Uncovering the past is great (Think Time Team with Tony Robinson and see how people love looking back through time by uncovering the covered up).
How old do you think they are.? Are all of these strictly UK species. I would love to make a backsplash with them.. But they are spendy...
Dirty fingernails I guess they are a few years old.That American firm sold them for fifty three dollars for six.The Diplotaxsis is a plant from the South of Engaland.
The Chemophila is also in the United states but also two different species of the same plant.Why they picked them I dont know.I didnt research the other plants in the series.
Look online for decorative kitchen tiles with Botanical pictures.That price is quite high but they are beautifully detailed and unusual.:)
How interesting. I saw that there is a Cree name for Chimaphila, so it must grow somewhere in my area and not just in the UK. I assume this because I am an English-only speaker in a mostly Cree-speaking part of Canada! I'll have to keep my eye out for this plant.
Hi Gardenista I did a quick google search of Chimaphila canada and came up with a database that has the Traditional uses of this plant Chimaphila Umbillata by the Cree Indian tribes.They used it for fever and colds, chest pains, and backache.All in Sasketchewan where you live.The Chimaphila must grow wild there.I think the name is cool Pipsisiwa.Its very poetic sounding.Thanks for your comment.I love the story about the giant Delphiniums in the English ladys garden, and that she smokes telling old gardening stories :)
hello snappy its tracyp love the photos , you have misssed your vocation in life
Thanks Tracey P.I am glad you managed to find your way onto here after your technical problems.Glad you like the photos.I like nursing and gardening so I will be doing both for the moment.Never say never though :)
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