The only plant I know the name of.This beauty is Calceolaria John Innes.I know because i photographed the name.
Calceolaria is latin for shoemaker.I thought it was a ladys slipper.
This one is from the slipperwort family.Its quite dainty, and very shoe shaped.
Spikey punk rock flower in the Alpine house.Its called Phyteuma Orbiculare, the Round headed Rampion.I think Sid Vicous would be a better name!
The beautiful flower on this reminds me of a chinese lantern. I need help naming this as well. With such a profusion of plants all close together labels get lost, moved, or stolen!
I thought it was nice all the plants were open along the shelves. As i left the Alpine house it said CCTV is in operation due to plant theft!
You can imagine it in florida (The Ghost Orchids etc) but not in Harrogate!
You have a lilium of some kind. Not sure which.
Thanks Anonymous.I will keep trying to work out what it is,It should be called chinese lantern flower!It is beautiful whatever i call it though.
the chinese lantern is a Lilium Pomponium-i got the name whenwe went to Harlow Carr together last week
Heh...Sid Vicious is right! I love that calceolaria...looks like a clown shoe!
Hils, you finaly Left a comment.I will photograph the names of the ones I dont know..
Lisa,The Calceolaria is a wanderful looking plant.It would look great on a clown with orange trousers and a big red nose.They do like like big yellow Shoes!!
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