I wrote that Frans Dad had emailed me, and he sent some photos that show the garden in the 1950's, 1970's, and i of course have photographed it as it is now.
The landscape has altered with houses, and football pitches, the pig farm has gone (goodbye pigs), and a beck has been filled in I guess.
The garden holds the secrets and stories from the past.As we dug we saw the work that had ben done before. The stories flowed about what it had been like in the past.
A garden renovation and tidying up, became a history lesson. The ghosts of the past were still there in old coins, marbles, escaped pigs, scarlet fever, and flowers grown. Its cool Fran bought her family home, with all the attached memories and remembrances. Her family are still around to fill in the memory gaps, and to make the past part of the present.
The post about Garden treasures was about the connectedness of life, of people, of things lost in the soil to be found.
Coins, marbles, lost toys, mason jars, girls handprints in concrete.
Through the miracle of the internet, and a time machine lets see how it looked in various years :)
1957: The end of the garden with the concrete washer post as the maker of where the garden ends, and the field ends.There were still tree'd though....

1972: The concrete washing post is there.I see the Fence is there now, as are the tree's...

Frans Grandad i guess, with mountains of wall flowers and a cactus.He liked to grow massed bedding plants for the front garden borders..

Bless her, Fran and her brother by a Quince tree.The grass was lush back then.This must be in the late sixtys or early seventys.I can see an arbour on the side near to the shed, which also doubled as a carpenters woodworking area.
The old vice is still there today...
2007, from yesterday.The concrete washer post is still there, and the fence from 1972.It is the only thing I think left.
I wander how long the Lilac tree and gooseberry bush have been there.They are the oldest things after the washing post, and the fence.
Through talking, and photos we have travelled through time to see how gardens change with generations, yet the common passion links all the people. Gardening in the blood.
Judging from this Walt Whitman quote I posted recently, I'm guessing lilacs can last a long time--
QUOTATION: When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed
And the great star early drooped in the western sky in the night,
I mourned, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring.
Ever-returning spring, trinity sure to me you bring,
Lilac blooming perennial and drooping star in the west,
And thought of him I love.
ATTRIBUTION: Walt Whitman (1819–1892)
It's great that you're sharing your friend's garden's history, because plants become even more interesting when they are linked to the people who plant them.
Great story! I love the pictures and the idea of "time travelling". You're right. It's wonderful that she bought her family home and has access to its rich history. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Thanks Angela,I love the poem, and Walt Whitman.I read Leaves of grass growing up.Im glad your were moved by the post :), connecting people with plants and gardens is good...
Thanks Oldroses, it is cool the family home has stayed with her, and that the memories and photos connect the generations.Gardening in the blood.
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