In bloom still the seed grown Butterfly flower or Shizanthus.I photographed two flowers today in shades of purple and white, with central colours like ink blot paper.

They are colloquially named Poor Mans Orchids, just from the colouration. I love the ferny leaves and bright coloured flowers. They are sat in a clay pot on the table by the Rose bench.
I have not done much today, besides tidying the garden a little. I went shopping to buy Cats birthday present (thats on Thursday when we are going to the agricultural Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate).
It has rained on and off most of the day.The sun did make brief appearances to illuminate the flowers, between clouds.
Hi, could you tell me what plant that is in your main photo - it's beautiful. Thank you.
Hi Nicola, the main blog photo at the top of the page is an Astrantia Major.I have a plant growing in my garden now, my blogs most famous flower photo.It has inspired several brides to be as a centrepiece for the bridal bouquet!
You are welcome :)
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