In bloom today plants that have been given to me from people I know.The Butterfly Flower came from matchstick seeds from Fran.I love these Chilean flowers with their harlequin faces, and orchid-ish looks.These have surpassed my expectations with their flowering.I thought the glued seeds would not germinate well, but they did.

My birthday present from Cat.The superb Apricot coloured Lady Emma Hamilton rose, still in bloom.The flowers smell gorgeous, and the fragrance actually alters as the Rose bloom ages.I can smell oranges and lemons, and honey too.Good looks and great scent.What a present!

The Garden today showing the path to the Rose bench.The bottom left planter has seeds given to me by Hils.A lot of my plants have come from Hilarys greenhouse, and the plant stall in Walton.

The left hand border with Ageratum and Busy Lizzies, Geraniums, Calendulas, French Marigolds, Cerinthes, Roses, Camellia, mixed grasses.. overlooked by the Viburnum Tinus in the top right hand corner.The red flowering Crocosmia add some summer heat to the border.

A Calendula from Cheltenham.I found these plants in Mums border, still self seeding away.I love the warm colours of these plants, and the claw like seed head that can lie dormant in the soil for years.She hated them but I always tried to replant them in new displays.They do not take kindly to being moved from their chosen spot.I dug the whole root ball up and moved them to Yorkshire..

More Calendulas, these are from Cats garden.I took some dried seeds and plant a Z shaped line.Only two lots have come out this year.I like the two tone effect of a deep orange and a lemon yellow.When Cat moves to a new house I can give her some Calendula seeds to grow again.
All the plants we collect and are given have stories, and makes us more connected to where we grow them.Keep sakes, pass alongs, and gifts keep the garden full of stories, and the plants full of personality.
More posts after my long day tomorrow.Sigh, back to work...
Hello there David,
I like your style of blogging very much. You take such a genuine interest in what surrounds you.
What a beautiful flower, from Chile you say? Do you happen to know the botanical family?
As yet I have not come across match stick seeds. Sounds interesting.
I am trying to work out from your archives what you did with the double trunk Leylandi tree. I rather liked its lollipop shape. I would grow some clematis up it, and possibly some rose as well. I love combinations of rose + clematis, but have not had much success so far. Either one or the other disappears ;-)
Hi Abby,thanks for your comment.I will google the Butterfly flower family later.I do not know where Fran got the matchstick seeds from..
I have moved house since the two trunked Leylandi.I think it is still the same clipped as a lolipop.
I am trying Clematic on my back fence, and the Roses have been really good this year.Dog Roses are good for tree's in that they can scramble up it rapidly and flower en masse!
I'm glad you like the blog :)
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