The garden has been alive for months now with the sound of the bee's buzzing as they fly to collect all the nectar they can from the flowers.The Catnip Sixhills Giant, Cerinthes, and Monkshood in the garden, and the white flowers of the Privet have been the most productive for the visiting bee's.

I had to put the camera in the ait to capture these two photos. An English summer would not be the same without masses of bee's.Their black and yellow bodys and black obsidian eyes, with whirring wings always make me smile.They have done the pollination of flowers for tens of thousands of years, but every visit I see makes me smile.

These bee's are like stripey costumed dancers flying from flower to flower tirelessly seeking out the nectar, and collecting pollen on their furry bodys and legs. Untill the recent stories of colony collapse disorder they were unsung heros.
I planted as many Bee loving plants as I could find in order to attract them. I have Purple Cone Flowers, Sedum, Cornflowers, Lavender, and California Poppies still to flower yet.They will serenade the Bees, and other flying insects into doing a summer dance.
There is lots of honey being made somewhere nearby which my garden has contributed to.
I love your bee photos. I just came back (to Canada) after a week in Holland, and I was so amused to see the variation in bumble bees (some with white, fuzzy rear ends) that we don't see here. I agree with you that, before the collapse disorder, most people didn't give bees a second thought, or even feared or disliked them. Now we know how important they, and thus all creatures, are.
Your garden looks lovely, by the way. It's a real work of art!
Bye for now,
Thanks Tina, once you start looking for things you see them everywhere, bee's included.
The garden does look lovely now, and im glad you like it :)
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