I was away for two days with work, staying at Hils, then Tatton Park RHS flower show yesterday.I spent today in the garden, watering, tidying, and looking.These are a selectionfrom my garden today, ten pictures I took today.The first photo is my Rose Suprise, as it was supposed to be yellow. The Pink is so bright, and the rose is fragrant. It looks like a classical English Rose. I should call it Florida dreams as thats where Cat is now..

My Ranunculus have flowered over the past two days when i was away from the house. I have had lots of the plants die off. I do not know if they like dry soil because the rain seemed to rot the ones I planted. They are so delicate the flowers. I have two colours so far. Two pink flowers, and a yellow flower.

Cats Calendulas are flowering beautifully. I am trying to deadhead them as the flowers fade to encourage more. I keep thinking about India, and how these flowers are use in garlands for weddings and celebrations. I wander about the history of the humble Pot Marigold.

My first ever Daylily is the fourth photo today. It is a reddish colour with a yellow centre. It has more buds below, so it should keep flowering. I originally planted three types of Daylily but my resident slug population has decimated two, which are nowhere to be seen in the garden.

The fiery Crocosmia. I love the orange stem and the red flowers. The magical Crocosmia bewitches my camera.You can get the idea of how they look, even with camera problems.

A House Sparrow watching me photograph the Butterflys and flowers today. He is not as timid as the other birds.They fly away if they see me.This one happily eats with me below the feeder.

A Buddeleja in flower twenty feet above the ground. This crazy plant germinated in a drain pipe and is flowering outside the bedroom window. You have to admire a plants tenacity when it flowers in outrageous places. Their cannot be much soil in a down pipe. Its roots must be clinging to the pipe inside. I hope the Butterflys find it this high up in the air.

In the blue pot the Blue Ageratum flowers next to the pastel pink Busy Lizzie.The Ranunculus are growing behind these two types of plants. I love the colours against the green leaves.

The other Ranunculus is the ninth photo. It is a lemon yellow colour and contrasts to the green and blue foliage, and its bigger pink relative.

Flowering at last is the Asclepias or Milkweed.The flowers are so chunky, they are bright orange, with tangerine stamens on top.The flower buds look like red party balloons.This plant has some fungal infection before but has healed itself and is healthy looking and flowering really well.The tenth photo from my garden today.
Tomorrow will be an allotment day, and a chance to blog some Tatton Park photos. It was good to come back to find so much flowering after my break away from it.
hi there, guess who..... give you a clue - the weather is so hot and i'm off to seaworld in the morning! the pink rose with the identity crisis is looking gorgeous, shame i'm missing it. the buddlea is like you, it loves a challenge and will keep going whatever. keep up the good work and i look forward to seeing more pictures.looking forward to seeing them from tatton park.
Hello Dave,
Cheery and colourful.
Didn't know Ranunculus flowered this late.
Yes, me too, want to know about Tatton Park. Always too far for us for a day out. What is the permanent Japanese garden like? More to the point: what did you bring back?
Guess what: I lost your comment but read it and thanks.
Thanks Cat, glad you enjoyed Seaworld and spent a day chilling in pool.The pink rose looks gorgeous still.I hope its still in flower when you come back..
Hi Abby,I bought at Tatton Park two chilli plants called Prarie Fire and Aurora.four packets of seeds (Scotch bonnet chilli, habanero chilli,Hot Pepper Purple Tiger, and some Teasel seeds for Hils.
I bought a frog wall holder for the kitchen to write shopping lists on.I bought some things for Cat too...
I have never been around Tatton Park, the RHS show is held in a section of the vast grounds.1000 acres surround it.you cannot see the house from where the show was.
They did a small replica of the japanese garden but it did not move me enough to photograph it.
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