I spent the day today up at the allotment doing some weeding. The rain and warm weather means everything has been growing like mad. I planted some Courgettes (in the top left hand corner by my blue fleece), and some Runner Beans around the wig wam of Canes. You can see the Onions, Cabbages, Broccolis, and Potatoes in this photo. The birds were singing and the sun was blazing down on me at times.

I wandered from my plot to a deserted one that is going wild. These flowers were lovely like plump Daisys. They have such happy flowers in the White and Yellow. I think they are called May Weed..

Growing in the midst of an overgrown plot were these Foxgloves. These are such a traditional English Cottage garden plant. These had purple speckles on their gloves throats. Once they have flowered I will try to collect some seeds. These are the flowers of an English Summer, with the steady drone of Bee's collecting the nectar from their deep cups. I watched Swifts flying around above me swooping and soaring. They are the Birds of an English Summer with their shrieking sound. I also heard a mournful Cuckoo today at the plot.

After five hours weeding, making coffee, and admiring the wild flowers we drove back. Cat stopped the car on the road out of Walton. The sun made these fields of Wild Poppies shimmer in the sunlight. They bloom in great swathes in the farmers fields. They are such an important part of the Summer. I love the blood red blooms.
Tomorrow we go to Birmingham for Gardeners World Live at the NEC..
I was not sure that you had kept the allotment but it is really well organised. Is it far from your new house ?
In the outside of my town we also have small gardens and we like spending time admiring and taking ideas from them... It is like a competition between the gardeners..
And your last picture with the wild poppies is very nice.
Mounaque - France
I am on my little veg. plot most evenings now - just pottering and picking what I am going to eat that evening; I swear the chard grows as I am watching it! Don't you love England in the summer?
You take some lovely pics David, I love looking at your blog, and seeing what you see when you go out and about,keep it up.
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