Today was Breast cancer wear it pink day.I only realised when a cardiology nurse was wearing pink badges. I sent staff looking for something pink for my ward staff to wear.
The cardiac nurse had brought in a hair bobble with pink ribbons. She donated it to us, and we cut it into double pink ribbons for one pound each.
An impromptu session made 17 double pink ribbons stuck on safety pins. My battered ribbon is pictured in the photo.
All the MAU staff had pink ribbons by lunchtime and we made £17, which was not bad for an improvised fund raise.
This is the website:
If I'd known I could have brought pink roses, or pink Carnations. The house is a step closer now with all my paperwork with the estate agents. Hopefully monday will bring good news before my seven nights!
Am keeping my fingers crossed for your good news, Snappy! And nice improvisation today with the pink ribbons. Every little bit helps, right?
Hi Kim, Thanks.My fingers are crossed too.The snappy gardener may have a garden soon!Every little helps.I enjoyed the making something pink with what we could find to hand :)
Best wishes for monday hope you get your garden and house.
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