The heater has been on a few times, so the heat must have taken all the moisture out from the soil. It is reviving now on the Kitchen window Sickbay :)
What interested me is the flower from beneath, a pollinators eyes view. It has a blue crown with pollen fillaments as the golden adornments. The dark Pink strip highlights the crowns position.
The Reflexive petals are usually held aloft like a pretty pink Light bulb and you do not see the underside of the flower. This is usually hidden from view above the variegated green leaves. I hope my plant recovers from its shock. It already looks more healthy.
Photographing the fallen flower has shown me a part of it I have never seen before. Its always good to try and look differently at things we think we know. The wander of Vision as a sense!
It's funny how things can capture your attention with a little change. I think this is an interesting photo. The dark pink looks almost like plastic. I hope you revive your cyclamen. I'm been wanting to get some myself.
Thanks VanillaLotus,I was looking lice night for inspiration for a new acrylic painting.I started off with water lilys then stumbled onto Lotus flowers.Im gonna try to paint one later.I will blog the revived Cyclamen.Its not happy in the pot though.Its a better garden plant I think.I have never had one before :)
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