This Orchid is called Rodreguizia Lava Flow. The flowers are hanging down in a fiery lava like way. These are a selection of emailed photos to me. I think they show the Different Flowers and colours of Orchids. They are in a guys private collection I guess. The Costa Rica weather must favour orchids. I'm just sharing them with a wider audience. My three orchids look poor besides this floral explosion of colours.I can dream of making mine flower like these!

A Cymbidium at night, it has a striking Face I think complete with raindrops.

This is the second flower from the Supermarket Orchid, within the Same pot as the picture from yesterday.

This ones called Miltassia, got to love the colours of White and Purple/pink. Its like an Indians War Paint or a Water colour painting.

This is an Epidendrum, the flowers look like Angels with the top part hovering over the petals.

A Cymbidium Flower after the Rainfall (It is the Wet season now in Costa Rica)

A Crimson/Orange flowered Cattelya above the green leaves.
The White Flowered Ticoglossum on a glass table. I think this would make a good acylic painting. Love the flowers like Stars with yellow centres.
No news on the House front yet.I rang the estate agents today. It was actually sunny outside when I went to the little shop. The thing I miss about being gardenless is the simple act of sitting outside, and feeling the wind and the sunshine. I will be encamped outside with a table and chairs. If I can get a laptop with Wireless I can blog from the Garden.
Thanks to Canatico for sending me your Orchid photos. Now the Blogosphere can admire your plants happily growing :)
I love how orchids have so many unique shapes. They have to be on of the most beautiful flowers in my opinion.
Wouldn't it be great if we all lived somewhere that had perfect conditions for our favorite plants? Costa Rica must have the best conditions for orchids. From a quick google search it looks like they have an orchid botanical garden.
Thanks VanillaLotus,Costa Rica here I come!It would be great if we lived in a house that magically adjusted growing conditions to our plants needs.The flowers are beautiful and alluring. They have seduced collectors and plant hunters for centurys.
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