I love the idea of Halloween, as a link to our pagan past. Jack o lanterns, bobbing for apples, trick or treats!
Samhain was its original name, the day when the worlds of the living and dead crossed over. Costumes and Masks were worn to scare away the evil spirits.
If I'd been shopping I would have carved a pumpkin. maybe next year I will be able to grow several for making pupkin soup and carving jack o lanterns.
Happy Hallowen for all of you bloggers who celebrate it :)
Ziggy is one cool cat! He looks quite large...is he? Almost appears that he's meow-ing a greeting.
Hi Lisa, Ziggy was skinny when we got her from the animal shelter.She is still nervous, but has put weight on at my sisters.She has had a second kittenhood playing with Edie, my sisters tortoiseshell cat.They are both happy in each others company!
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