I managed not to photograph the Monarda Alba in the top right hand side.I grew Monarda Lambada before, the pink fraggle flowers which the bee's loved. This is a white fraggle flower version, but was still growing on. The Alpine plant Anacyclis was planted on the edge of the Corner bed over lots of Gravel to drain the soil. It has a creeping ferny leaves with white daisy flowers, which had pink on the petals outside. A Birch tree had self seeded and was growing in the centre of the bed. I removed a bindweed which was choking the Birch tree. The Foxgloves are sat at the back of the Corner bed.I think they will flower next year, and will be the traditional pink spotted Foxgloves.

The Back garden view from the house, with the Shed, Bird table, and surrounding trees.Many interesting trees had been left to grow making a great environment for the garden birds that visited daily.

Mums Partner Chose this Lilac coloured Aster when we were plant shopping.It is planted by the Hot Border in the pink end of the long border.

The Patio Rose Lovely Bride.It had plenty of flower buds on it, and I hope it does okay.A garden without some roses just didnt feel right. I wanted a white rose, but chose this with its pale pink/white blooms.It was thorny and scratched me a bit!

The Penstemon Apple blossom. I bought this because of the Pale pink/white flowers.The white flowers were chosen to contrast to the three large Lavatera shrubs which dominate the garden on three sides. The pinks turn to white flowers, before coming back to the light pinks of the Annual Lavatera, Rose bush, the lilac flowered Aster, and this Penstemon. It opened one flower on my last day. Mum will try to take cuttings from it as she grew penstemons before this way.

An Idea from Tatton Park. Echinops Artic glow. The Echinops have lovely star shaped flowers which will look great hovering over the sea hollyish leaves. It needed well drained soil too, so plenty of gravel was added to the soil beneath the root ball.

The dusty miller grown for its lovely silvery foliage and occasional yellow flowers. They are good for contrasting against other green leaved plants and look nice blowing in the wind.

Between the corner bed and the long arm of the border the Sedum Spectabile white flowers are nearly blooming. The masses of buds are on top of the succulent type flowers.I added a lot of stones in the soil to make the soil well drained.

Aster Snowsprite. Masses of white daisy like flowers will grow on this perennial.I left the labels so mum would know what was growing.

Campanula White Clips, this was planted in the corner near the front and will hopefully spread a green and white carpet. The bell shaped flowers were quite delicate looking.

The White Cosmos, pure white petals with the yellow honeycomb centre. These will look spectacular above the fine airy green leaves.
Agarynthemum flowers. I bought six of these, they can grow 24" high, and spread about ten inches across. I love the white pompon flower and green ferny leaves.
Looks good! Reminds me of Sissinghurst ;-). Thanks for posting about Echinops Artic Glow I hadn't seen that one before. I will have to try it. Gloucestershire is one of my favorite parts of England (I still have many to see though). I feel for the residents and hope it gets better for them.
Thanks Chris.Im torn between two Countys where my family are from. Yorkshire and Gloucestershire.I love the Blue Echinops in the princes trust garden at Tatton Park.
I have much travelling to do to see the rest of Britain that i have not seen yet.
Things are getting better now down there.There are some harsh lessons for the authorities to learn about.
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