Three flowers in bloom today that I have photographed this morning. The first is a plant I pulled from the right border.I had sowed Chamomile seeds and when the airy ferny green stems appeared thats what I thought it was. It is however scentless Mayweed I think.The Chamomile flowers and leaves smell like apple when brushed.This handsome flower has no scent, but its attractive to the beetle on the flower.

My first Evening Primrose Flower looks like it is dripping gold inside the cup like flower.It has grown tall the plant and flopped over the Chocolate Cosmos.It has a light fragrance, and normally smells better in the evening.I guess the overcast, rainy day has foxed it into thinking its evening.The flower is a beautiful golden yellow, like summer sunshine.

The last flower from today is the Sedum.It has happily sat through summer before deciding to flower now.It is apparently a bee magnet for its star like white flowers.It needs to grow bigger to be more spectacular, as it is overhung by flopping Rosemary, Lavender, and Sunflowers.Once I have tidied up the floppy neighbours its gorgeous leaves and flowers will be easier to see.
The garden is still full of colour, but seperate splashes of it, whereas in summer the colour flows around the garden like a rainbow river. The green of Chelsea is predominating as things start to wind down in the garden.
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