Its been a good day off today. I spent three hours on the allotment with Cat earlier, then another three hours this afternoon in the garden. The sun was shining most of the day.
The photo is a damp rose from Tuesday when it rained all day. I only briefly got outside to take photos, but the long days had taken their toll on my energy levels. I was too tired to do a post..
I'm energetic today and have taken lots of photos.I will do a slide show I think of the beautys from the folder marked to blog yet...
I checked my blog for the colours of the Roses I planted in December. Red, white, peach, and orange..No yellow so that will be on my wish list tomorrow when I go back to Harlow Carr.
Butterflies, Bee's, and Birds all came into the garden today, and the same wildlife up at the allotment. I took some photos of the communal garden so they can use them to illustrate what they are doing. I can do a blog post of the prints that I will give the committee.
I forked over the untended Mr Saddiq's beds and planted Cabbages, Brussel Sprouts, Borage, and my Courgettes. I have one more bed to clear of grass and weeds. I think I will plant some Spinach and Leeks there.
I have cleared nine beds now, both my plot and his. He can sit and watch but it looks better already. The paths need trampling between the beds as the grass keeps growing. The rain seem to encourage everything to spurt in growth.
Back at home I repotted the last of the hanging basket plants. Trailing Fuschias,Double flowered Petunias, and Lobelia Fountain mix. I repotted Gem Squash to grow on ready to be moved to the allotment. A tray of French Marigolds is waiting to be taken to the allotment.
One Poppy Bactreum, and four Evening Primrose were moved into bigger pots.The greenhouse has Tomato plants (I finally have some grown by me from seed), a Venus Fly Trap, Garden Mint, and ten repotted Geraniums.
My homeless plants include a Chocolate Cosmos, two Heleniums, and three Blue flowered Ageratum.
The garden is nearly completed now.It just needs weeding, watering, and tending.In the sunshine I realised I was nearly done.Time to sit back and watch the garden grow!
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