After getting up early I was at the Walton village hall by quarter to nine. Hils and Fran were there with the larks setting up the tables and adorning them with vegetable plants, perennials, and bedding plants. A friend of Hils brought a car and trailer full of more plants, and a gazebo which was erected after an hour of rain. The BBC weather site had said light showers but it rained heavily for most of the day..

The star flower and only one photographed from the plant stall was this Lewisia, with its spectacular pink and white flowers. I had not seen this plant before in flower at the stall. Last years were just leaves.

The damp snappy gardener topping up my coffee levels in the village hall kitchen.All the moneys raised go back into the Walton community for the elderly, childrens groups, the girl guides and rainbows etc. I love the fun of selling the plants and chatting to the people who came despite the rainfall.

Fran helping making a sale.This was a dry shot showing the tables. As we sold the plants we moved them up the stall to reduce the number of tables. When the rain was really heavy the Gazebo went up. What a brilliant idea putting the stall under a temporary shelter.The rain ran down my neck, on my face, and soaked my coat. But it did not dampen my enthusiasm!

Me, and a rare photo of Hils. You can see the rain on the roads.The people came despite the weather to buy the plants from the stall. It had been advertised by posters in the village, and within the whats on section of a local newspaper.

Tomato plants nestle by the perennials. There was a good selection of plants available.The first customer was a lady who came as we were putting the plants onto the tables after nine am. She rang her friend up to tell her to come down to the village hall.

The light above from the Trees canopys which gave some shelter in places from the rain. The cardboard boxes got damp early on. I worried the bottoms would fall out as people carried away their bounty from the plant stall to their cars, or to church (The local church must have had bags and boxes of plants in the pews with the parishoners who bought from us on the way to church, before the service).

Half past twelve, the plants packed up, and gazebo taken down. We had sold for three hours, and later found out we had made £441, fifteen pounds under last years total. Hils has a small amount left so her neighbours might make up the fifteen pounds :)
What that means is in the two years I have helped out at the plant stall we have made £900 for the local community. Amateur gardeners growing plants, that spread their healing power
I love the way that gardening and growing plants can benefit community groups, and bring out Walton and surrounding areas to come on down. A meeting place for getting new plants for the garden!
Cant wait for next year...(Hils swears this one will be her last..)
It was a grand day and yes i did say i wouldnt do another plant Stall-but you have a year to change my mind!!!
I have a feeling I know the identity of "anonymous". But I'm very discreet.
So interesting to know Lewisia is prized in your neck of the woods. It's a native here, but I admit I've rarely seen it flowering. I bought a plant (can't remember which spp.) from a local nursery.
In case you don't know this already, natives here get no rain in summer. So while you might need to water a little to get it settled in, be sure it has drainage and is not to moist or you may wind up with a dead plant.
Kathleen at the nursery told me that, if you have natives in pots, it's good to turn them on their sides during rain, to be sure they don't get drowned.
Gorgeous photos as ever and a fun visit to your local fund-raiser.
Hola Bruv!
Did I show up as New Zealand?!!!!
Sounds delightful, the day out selling plants at the village hall. Love the pic of you topping up your coffeee levels :)
Postcards almost on the way - I misplaced them on the way to the post office today.
Ps check my facebook Rotorua photo album, there's a plant in Scott's garden that his Mum told me what it was but I forgot already. You'[ll see it next to the Hibiscus!
Love Sis xx
Thanks Hils, A rare comment lol.I hope we do it next year.I have more plants to expand my space for growing just for the plant stall!
Hi Pomona,Thanks for the advice about the Lewisia.When I visited Pat she had a Lewisia in flower.Two flowering plants within a week!
Hey Jawsy love yout photos of New Zealand Flora and Fauna.You did show up on the Statcounter to.Take care, and i will see you when you come back Sist!
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