My five large hanging baskets were taken to work for the lady I made them for. They had been chilling for a month and were growing on beautifully.Sixteen inch baskets with masses of trailing Lobelias, Busy Lizzies, Trailing and Upright Fuschias, Million Bells,Geraniums, Petunias, French Marigolds, Bacopa Snowflakes and Bacopa Double Flowers.I hope she likes them outside her house, my green fingers and planting combinations.
I repotted two Shuttlecock Ferns (bottom left hand corner), and watered everything. The Strawberries and Raspberrys both have fruit on but it needs to ripen in the sun. I planted Blue flowered Ageratum, and a Fuschia Winston Churchill in the big blue pot to join the Ranunculus. I removed a tree seedling into a deep pot. I need to identify it but it looks like a horse chestnut tree seedling..
I moved my hanging baskets onto the vacated hooks and restocked the bird feeders. I will not be gardening for five days due to working four long days. The rain began to fall this evening on the very green garden. A rare long shot is at the top of this page.
The polythene covered Courgette bed is to the right of the chair. In the fore ground there is the onions and carrots, followed by Peas, French Beans, and Borage. The A frame has a few tough Runner bean plant seedlings.They have been mined with slug pellets now. I felt a pang but so many seedlings have been eaten before getting out of the ground...
Three of Mr Saddiqs beds to the left have been dug over and planted by me. My excess Courgettes, Cabbages, and Onions went into three beds. I covered his Strawberrys with some netting. The sun was shining and the birds singing. Time passes imperceptibly up there. Its very calming spending a few hours up there.
There is an open day at the Allotment on June 22nd. I hope to be back from Cheltenham to attend and see if the local community comes to the community garden at the front of the allotments.
Thats the state of garden and allotment at the end of my days off. Work will stop play untill Thursday next week.
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