The back garden fence that runs along the garage has the Wisteria growing along the top, and four hanging baskets below it. There are Verbenas, Mimulus, Busy Lizzies, Petunias, and the Lotus flower. The colours are starting to show on Individual plants.

I enjoy making hanging baskets up. I start with a fake moss lining, add compost, plant food granules, and water retaining gel. I plant them up with my greenhouse tended plants, and water them in. Not shown is my two baskets with trailing Tomato plants, the Tumbling Toms, and the Matsoka Tomatos. They were both grown from seeds.
The basket plants were bought as plug plants and grown on.

In one of the hanging baskets is this beautiful double flowered Petunia called Priscilla. It has such gorgeous colours , and smells beautiful.

Yesterday I saw six Goldfinches (a charm) on the feeders, four Magpies in the garden and on the bird table. The other unexpected visitor was this Pidgeon eating the Fatballs that are held onto the Narnia light. He can get a good grip and sit comfortably on the red metal cage to dine in style. I did not think the Pidgeons and Collared Doves liked fatballs.
Its amazing to see how many birds visit the garden daily, and how they bring back more of their family or friends. From two Goldfinches to Six adults, and their fledglings.
I planted a green veg bag up with the French Beans. Last year the African grow bags grew lovely plants before they were crushed after the bag collapsed. The allotment French Beans were chewed by Slugs and Snails before they got out of the ground.
I have on the patio two pots of Runner Beans, two bags of New Potatoes, one pot of Alpine Strawberrys, the Herb Planter full of Strawberrys, and finally two pots of Tomato Plants (gardeners delight, and Sunrise? yellow ones).
I like sitting on the bench looking at the new border, and all the edible plants growing. There are a lot more plants on the outside table waiting to be planted, or given away.
You have been busy in the garden and soon you will be able to reap the rewards-may even make you a vegetarian
David, I need your Narnia Lamp for our fairy garden! lol
That petunia is beautiful. I love their scent and the pastel colours are pretty. Your hanging baskets are already looking good!
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