One of the most healthy sounds you can hear in the garden is the buzzing of Bee's. I photographed this one climbing up into the soft flower of the Foxglove.
I wish I knew all the different types of Bee's, but im glad when I see them. All with different looking bands of yellow or orange with the black.
They loved the Ceonothus, the Foxgloves, the Red flowering Rhodie, and the Snapdragons.
I want more pollen rich flowers for the Bee's to seek out.
The greenhouse seems to draw them in too, but the soaring temperatures can be deathly.
Both Cat and me have gone in with a glass jar, and a piece of yellow fly paper to cover the end, to capture then release the errant Bee's.
I even got stung by one on the leg after he dropped onto me in greenhouse. I picked him up off the kitchen floor and placed him on the lilac!
My thought was that he was stressed and disorientated. He used a fight or flight response.My love of Bee's continues despite being stung.
I can happily sit in Lavender and photograph the Bees flying in and out..
Bees definitely are a gardener's best friend. I was lucky enough one year to have Bumblebees make a nest in a nesting box on the garage wall! Val
It really makes my heart soar when I read of people being kind and considerate to so-called 'lesser creatures' like insects, etc.!!!! Good on you David.... lots of good karma coming your way for sure.
I agree, the bee was most likely using the 'fight or flight' response when it stung you. I hope it's not bothering you too much.... at least it will be helping towards you being immune from more serious trouble. :)
The bees are drawn to our greenhouse too. Sadly, over the past week, I've found a few trapped in the spiders' webs. As much as I love the spiders too, I'm going to have to keep the greenhouse web-free on a regular basis to save the bees. Like you and Cat, I also have to rescue bees with a plantpot and piece of cardboard to transport them to the outside world!
As far as the weather forecast is concerned, I think it's to be quite nice in the U.K...... so happy gardening! :D
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