Monarda to the left.I collected a few more seeds today to try and grow some new plants on the windowsill over the winter.They were one of my best new flowers in the garden, fragrant foliage and flowers, wedding cake (like the one UK Bob photographed in his blog) flowers, layer upon layer.
The dried flower heads had an unexpected visitor who crawled away into the garden.
The roses have disintegrated, and everything looks ropey now.I will cut the lavender back tomorrow.Plant the strawberry plants in the herb border.Opportunistic weeds have already parachuted into my dug borders.
When its payday again I want to go plant shopping for some Autumn/Winter colour.Maybe pansys, primula's, maybe a pyracantha...hee hee dont tell Sallyanne!!
She thinks im plant/seed/garden mad...as i think i am too.I have to look at the seed packets i got.Someone told me you can grow sweet peas indoors over winter.I have the busy lizzies upstairs eight little plants and a bigger cajun balls of fire one.They can chill untill late spring when the frosts have gone.
Hope all your gardens are growing well!!Few photo's to follow.....
Sweet peas grow in the house, you say? Hmm... *rubs hands together gleefully as she considers where she has room for a pot of sweet peas in the dining room*
Of course we are all plant/seed/garden mad...we do have our priorities straight!And there are much worse things to be mad about...
Go for it blackswamp girl,I will try to grow them indoors.It does say you can on the seed packet.Where can i put another seedtray?lol
Leslie it is a positive addiction.It makes you feel better, and other people can gain pleasure from it.They say oooh the garden is looking nice.Its better than drugs or alcohol etc...
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