Another mystery plant growing in long border, between self seeded Viola's.Its like a houseleek shaped plant with rosette leaves, and one off shoot growing. does anyone know what it is?

"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
Some form of sedum.
There are about a gazillion of them:
It reminds me of the killer plant in "Little Shop of Horrors." Watch out!
I agree with jenn, I think it's a variety of sedum.
I was going to say sedum, too! Sorry that your vacation is over so soon, Snappy... sounds like you got some great gardening in, though. :)
It looks like some sort of succulent. I suppose once it flowers you can narrow it down.
I agree with Claire. It's Audrey 3!
"feed me!"
Thanks Jenn, i think it must be a sedum.Need flowers though before I can ID it..
ha ha Claire its my own Audrey, monster plant from little shop of horrors,
Kati, Roybe, thanks for agreeing,
Salix tree i have never seen the whole film...
Blackswamp girl I got a lot done on my week off.I can enjoy the garden views between shifts!!
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