Its been nine days since I have been at work.I am back there tomorrow. I had one last day of gardening. The grass has had its wintercut, the three types of fuschia's have had cuttings done.
I discovered a new mystery plant growing in the long border. I removed a woody Dusty miller, and planted a well rooted rosemary into the ground.
In the summer I split the rosemary into four sections. Tasha got a nice section. I waited to see if it would recover. I dont think summer is the best time to split them, ie during growing season.
However they are recovered now. I took some Monarda flower heads for seed collecting for Ireland...
I found Tia sleeping on the job, in the kitchen window border beneath the Cottinus and Euonymus.
Its October. I have already outposted myself compared to last year. The house smells of delicious roast pork. The house is full again.
As im back at work I can remember the weeks of gardening, and dream on the bus about my plans for next year. The Anemone flower above is at the end of its season, chewed by unknown beastie. Its colours are still amazing though, a light blue and lilac shade.
None of my seeds have germinated yet. The pansys and Hollyhocks in the windowsill.I repotted my volunteer tomato plant. It needs to come inside. I would love that greenhouse to keep my tomatos growing...
Does anyone know what the mystery plant is? kind of like a houseleek with the rosette leaves, and mini off shoots growing at the side of it.It is potted up now on the coffee table outside...
Oh, I'm sorry, never seen a plant like this!
Not me either...has there been a worm eating it?
Thanks Sigrun and Maria.Its been eaten the anemone flower.
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