Sunlight on the Euphorbia, love the colours of green with light yellow and green.

The trimmed Lavender plants, they still smell gorgeous.

Secret nasturtium flower hidden beneath the green canopy.the leaves are like big green umbrella's..

The Foxglove still with dark green leaves.The dry heat stopped all the flowers.Gutted!!
I like the shy nasturtium.
Very nice pictures.
Its a shame about the Foxglove, everything else seems to be doing okay though. There always seems to be something that doesn't do so well.
The lavender is great. Have you considered using it as an edging along a path?
Nasturtiums, I love them. They always bring the last bit of bright color to the autumn garden. At this time of the year, they start climbing up everything, pushing aside other plants getting in thier way. I let them go where they please... they are such pretty plants.
Thanks Becky, i love the Bouganvillea pics.Do they smell i wander?
UK Bob I guess the failures make the successes better.Maybe failures should read errors or learning curves.The joy of gardening is learning as we go along.I prefer the road not taken...
Thanks old roses I will consider that the lavender edging.The smell as you brush past it,mmmm :)
Salix tree,I have left them too, they are gorgeous for the last gasp of colour,
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