Monday, June 13, 2005

Rain delay

I worked early today, got home, and layed on the bed.I heard the rain falling on the window panes of the bedroom.It rained for a few hours so i waited and fell asleep.
I have just looked outside.The french marigolds are getting bigger with fattening buds, the rose bushes have got more buds, and short lived roses.The hostas have purple flower buds swelling.
The wild petunia has got another bud about to flower.The last outside purple cone flower has fallen to slugs.The lettuces have been attacked so gaps have appeared in the three green lines.
Inside the house my most impressive thing is a cactus which has grown flower buds with red bumps all over the tops and sides.My torch cactus had a short lived flower but the cat ate it!!
Will try to get photo of the cactus....hope for sunshine tomorrow.I have study days for next two days.


OldRoses said...

Don't you just love falling asleep to the sound of rain? That is so cool that your cacti bloomed. I can't believe your cat ate one of the flowers! Mine just sniffs everything. Is the kitty okay? I don't think cacti are poisonous for cats.

David (Snappy) said...

The cat was fine.She has been chastised to stay away from the cactus now.The house leeks outside also flowered with petite red cone like flowers with yellow insides.I didnt know they could flower!!
The cactus are like dreams when they flower.This is the second time they have flowered.I think its flowers big green bumps with lots of red buds...
It shows im getting better at making them healthy.The only flowering ones i saw were in a houseplant book mum bought me!

OldRoses said...

Did you get pictures of the leek flowers? I've never seen them either. I can't grow cacti. I kill them with kindness. I water them too much because I feel sorry for them!