Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hilltop observations

I was pulling out a few weeds today.I found the infamous bindweed.Apparently it was brought by the victorians from overseas to use for grouse hunting as a ground cover.It is now spread all over the UK.A vigarous weed that chokes other plants.It is now illegal to spread it or grow it.
It is endemic all over the garden.On the edges and in the borders.The only place i have left it is the corner at the bottom of the back garden.
Where the two fences meet it is a wild part.I have left the grass and bindweed to naturalise.The birds love it and hopefully some insects will too.


crazygramma said...

Ah so this is not just a solitary battle in the gardens of Canada trying to keep two steps ahead of the dreaded bindweed. At least dandelions add some colour.

OldRoses said...

Oh, bindweed! Is that what it is called? It's endemic here in the US too. I've always called it wild morning glory since I didn't know what it was. It is a pain. Your gardens are looking great. Thanks for posting all the fabulous pictures.