Two Shrubs caught my attention the other day on the lane to the allotment. This bright pink
Ribes bush with flower buds like pink bunches of grapes hanging downwards before they open. I think they were slightly sweet smelling.

This American shrub is a long way from home. It was introduced in 1817 to England from the woodlands of Western North America. It apparently flowers after the Forsythia..

My Mum used to have a Forsythia. Its brilliant yellow flowers cascade down the branches like a Catharine wheel firework. Liquid sunshine illuminated here by the sun. The
Ribes was definitely in flower at the same time. The lemon yellow is a lovely contrast to the pastel pink of the
I have just finished work and have a day off tomorrow. I plan to go to the allotment again to plant my Onions, and spend time in the sunshine. I have been working or allotment digging for a week now without a break.
The outside working, and watching the wildlife is very therapeutic for me. As the daylight hours grow longer so my need to be outside and in contact with soil grows stronger.
Thanks for all my comments, and emails that you have sent. I welcome them all :)
It's spring in Connecticut, but we are perhaps a week or 10 days behind you. My wild and semi-wild lillies are in bloom: http://silverseason.wordpress.com/.
Your earlier picture of the forsythia reminds me of my childhood. On Arbor Day in school they gave each of us a little bare-rooted forsythia with instructions to take it home and plant it. Can you imagine the 100s of bushes set out each year. The town was golden every spring.
In urban London we are also enjoying the spring - planting out in my veg patch yesterday I was being closely watched by a cheeky little robin. I was so disappointed tht my camera was just out of reach.
I love the story about the forsythia bushes above - what a lovely tradition.
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