I am showing a series of photos today taken at the allotment over the past six days. Last
Friday Cats Dad came down to help me prepare a base for a six foot by four foot shed. They said they would construct it if there was a suitable prepared site to erect it. Cats Dad was an architect so it was done with straight edges on a piece of timber, and a spirit level. Three hours of tapping here, digging here, moving soil a bit,
until finally it was pronounced level!

I was so proud of the level shed base (sort of Roman mosaic style as we had a limited amount of recycled slabs from Cats parents house) that I took a photo. I had to wait six days
until today for the shed to be delivered in pieces.

The plot now has four rows of Potatoes, two Onion beds, five Rhubarb crowns, One Leek bed, and the rectangular bed that will take Cabbage, Swede, and Purple Broccoli plants. It now has a new shed freshly waterproof painted with Cat. I spent all three of my days off up there digging, weeding, hoeing paths, and visualising how the allotment will look.
This year is the
RHS Grow Your Own Veg year. I have had an allotment for three years now. The first one I waited for a year before I finally got a section of one. I then gave it up for this one at Walton. There is a waiting list now to get a plot up there.
RHS is spearheading a campaign to encourage people to grow their own fruit and veg. The problem that I see is there is not enough allotment plots/land for people to grow their own fruit and veg.
In some places generous landowners have let gardeners cultivate unused land for community garden allotment projects. In London I saw a disused
car park had building rubble sacks filled with soil for people to grow veg in them. Even they had a waiting list for their bag gardens.

I spent seven and a half hours today in the sunshine listening to the birds singing. I watched the years first Butterfly flying around. I saw two male Pheasants square up by the edge of the allotment flying and shrieking at each other.
Working the soil is blindingly hard work, but afterwards you feel relaxed, in touch with the seasons, and happy. I cannot wait for the harvesting of all the produce that I have grown. Cooking them for a meal will make the whole process worth while. All the blood, sweat, and scratches/nettle stings.
I do believe gardening is therapeutic for people, and brings holistic benefits to all those who work in them. I think that its great the
RHS wants people and Children to gain those benefits, and to help healthy eating by growing their own.
What a terrific garden spot! It makes me want to come work in your garden too!
Gardening is very therapeutic and it might just be me but there is something special about eating food that you've grown yourself.
I saw a report on the under use of Olympic facilities after the Olympics finish in the host countries. That they are trying to design Olympic facilities with the mind for what they can be used for afterwards and that open spaces being converted into allotments was one of the proposals.
You should check out New York City's community gardens on vacant lots. There is a web page. If you search NYC community garden, you'll find lots of them. Great job with your plot.
Awesome shed Bruv! I love the three hours of tapping and spirit level use to make the base flat as a fluke! I've been harvesting Sage for roast chicken and Chives for egg mayo sarnies. x
what a great spot. good luck in the allotment
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