We spent today shopping for things for the allotment. I bought a little gas cooker, a whistling kettle,some butane canisters to power the cooker, a fold up picnic table, three fold up chairs, and some tea/sugar/coffee canisters.
These are now safely stored in the locked shed. I'm working all weekend before a week off next week.
I need to level the ground under the water butt so it sits level. The plan will be for a second water butt filled by the first one. 440 litres of rainwater should be enough for the plot I hope.
We drank our first cups of coffee made with heated water from the cooker, with the birds singing. The male blackbird was checking us out again and singing away.
I want to put some bird feeders up around the shed. Hanging baskets and planters will adorn the area around the shed with colourful flowers and buzzing pollinators. I want to grow vegetables, but it will be homely with the table, chairs, and the sound of a whistling kettle when its time for a drink! It will be more like a Cottage garden plot, rather than a Kitchen garden.
I reclaimed six Garlic plants growing here in my raised bed. They will be transported next week along with the Cabbages, Swede, and Purple Broccoli plants to the plot. The only other crop I want to sow will be some Carrots. I have some Italian seeds from the Spring flower show yesterday.
Once the hard work is done we will be able to relax at the plot with a hot cup of coffee or tea. Watching the wildlife, insects, and wildflowers like the humble Dandelion (above).
Hey Bruv! The shed cafe sounds great! Just like my deck here, I watch the ma & pa blackbird hop on the ground for worms, they use our porch roof as a bird-bath. The Monarch chrysalis is safe from them though, although one cheeky blackbird hopped right onto the deck last weekend when it thought I wasn't watching! Love sis x
ps May 11th! Hope it goes well
It sounds very well organized and I hope we can see pictures of this wonderful place very soon ...
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