One of the plants growing along the fence is a lovely Wisteria, with the scented Blue flowers. It has flowers on both sides of the fence. some people wait years for their Wisteria to flower..
We are lucky in that we have been here for a few weeks. The sun continues to shine, and the flowers are growing beautifully..
I helped Hil's weed her allotment yesterday, and saw the men clearing the waste area behind hers. I will have a new allotment soon.
Their will be Courgettes, Squash, and Leeks up there. I will be starting from an untended plot, covered in grasses and weeds!
I have been tanned over the past few days. I love being outside when its sunny.
Looking over all our plants and flowers. The wind has been knocking them over today.
Cat is out cutting the grass in the warm sunshine.
I will goto Hampsons tomorrow to buy more compost. The new Potato bag has used up all the compost i had left.
I have Nasturtiums to plant, and Verbena Bonarensis to repot. Time now to go outside and walk around the garden.
Was there Wisteria in Wisteria Lane?
1 comment:
I love the scent of Wisteria - my flowers are coming to an end now and the ground is covered with them.
Good luck with your new allotment!
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