Now I am back online I can order things online, lol which is what i have done.
So far I bought the orchid book from Amazon.co.uk and some seeds from Suttons, plus Orchid bulbs.
I have just lifted a digital photo from this Orchid website.Their link is here:
I have ordered a Bletilla Striata, and wanted a photo of the flower to blog on here.It is supposedly an easy orchid to grow.It is an asian terrestial Orchid.I hope to catalogue its progress here.
The seeds I have ordered from Suttons are Impatiens, Geraniums, Snapdragons, Datura, and some wicked Black Viola's.
Expect many posts about these developing and growing on.I might try to give the excess away to work mates. Hils is one who actually grows many annuals, and does flower shows.I might try to tag along with her if she lets me.
She gave me the Nicotiana, and Heuchera amongst other things.
I rang the Council today about getting an allotment, they are posting an application form.The web site says it costs between £30- £60 a year to rent the plot, with a £10 charge if there is water.I hope that the waiting times have been exagerated.Ideally I would get it this week as March is drawing on.
I guess I will have to renovate the plot before any sowing and growing can take place.I am excited at the thought of getting my hands dirty, feel the smell of cloddy earth in my nose, with the birds singing, wind blowing, and clouds rolling overhead.
Can you tell im excited? When im excited I get poetic. Maybe I am a poet,artist, gardener.
My last purchase today was the March edition of Gardeners World magasine. I love the pictures, articles, and even the adverts. Even the smell of the magasine itself freshly printed. Its like a sensory overload for the senses, designed to inspire you, connect you with the readers and writers who are green fingered.
I will read it slowly, rereading it, looking at the photos.Every issue photographs the changing seasons, and reminds us how the seasons change, the jobs to do.
Good luck with your allotment! It's been a while since I checked here--much has changed, I see.
But as a fellow urban gardener, I cam assure you it's lots of fun.
Congratulations on your allotment! Be sure to take lots of "before" pictures so we can appreciate all of your renovations.
Eal thanks for dropping by.Even Urbanites have the urge to dig some earth and plant a few seeds.I wait for the application form to come through the post...
Oldroses,Thanks I will take extensive photos.The cold snap might drive some people away from their allotments, but i am eager to get started off.Once I get it I need to get my garden tools from Castleford.I will need them :)
How can one not love orchids! I did not have luck in getting mine to flower again so I tossed them yes naughty of me but since, I have learned that I should not have cut the spent blossom down to the earth level..live and learn perhaps I'll follow your blog and you can teach me the care.
~Come on over I am giving away roses!~
We are not yet into our gardens as snow is still covering the
plants..sunny today so I'll do a walk about.:) NG
Naturegirl what is the photograph in your profile off?Some renaissance famous painting?I love snow.We have only had light dustings, not the proper snow you have.Its fun to see whats peeking through the white stuff, and take photo's.You can look back in a few months when everything is growing.
You will love the orchids. Two years ago we purchased one and since it wasn't cheap and we wanted to keep it around for a long time we named it. Our first orchids name is Dirk. We were really getting worried about him last year when he didn't bloom again but this year we are the proud parents. To see your orchid bloom gives you such satisfaction. So this year we purchased a friend for him, but haven't named her yet. Any suggestions?
Keep us all posted on your plot progress and the orchid.
I will keep my fingers crossed that you get your allotment as soon as possible. And be careful about the orchids--for some people, they seem to be as addictive as crack cocaine! Have you read The Orchid Thief or Orchid Fever? They give a good idea of how obsessed people can get about orchids.
Hi KC MO guy,I think you should call the new Orchid Peppard, after georg peppard.I thought of dirk benedict in the A team, lol.I love your pictures of the cardinals, and you like baseball..
Claire no application form yet.I have gone onto amazon to look for the Orchid thief, will order it and read it.I knew there was a book with that title, but it bipassed me.
I have some motivation now.Its like opening pandoras box looking into Orchids.The Dutch Tulip craze was bubble and bust, whereas the Orchidophiles still covet them.I just want a few easy to grow examples.I have found out that there are even Orchids growing wild in the UK.I dont have to travel the world to see them in say costa rica, or venezuela.
Being gardenless I am absorbing myself in books, google searches, and buying online.
I hope i can get that allotment soon!:)
Hey Snappy,
Thanks for the suggestion of Peppard. The other half has decided on Sophia not that Peppard was a bad name he just had his own ideal. I guess he is entitled.
KC MO garden guy,I think Sophia is as good as a name for an Orchid as any.Hope to see Dirk or Sophia on your blog soon.I have never named plants, but we will see when the orchid bulbs come.
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