In the abscence of a garden, and any soil to plant seeds in I am watching films about gardening and reading books..
I watched this film on the left a few weeks ago and thought this is perfect blog material.
The premise is an open prison, where the prisoners take up gardening as a way of making their way back into normality. A famous TV gardener visits them and enters them into the Hampton Court garden show. They dont win the medal that year but do after. Think it was called the Golden rose for the best garden in Show.
Gardening is quite difficult to film due to the time involved from soil preperation, to seed planting, to germination, to growing, to the flowering.
It taps into my view that getting your hands dirty in the earth is good for your soul. The healing power of gardens...
Oh so good to have you back! I hope you're settling into things in Wakefield and I look forward to seeing photos of the area when you're fully set up.
Is there any chance of doing any volunteer gardening at a public garden, or maybe of getting an allotment? I fear for you having to endure a spring and summer without a garden to dig into.
I enjoyed Greenfingers too.
Hi Claire, loved your blogs new layout.Might not be new but i have only just seen it lol!
I think volunteering is an option, as is helping tidy up my workmates gardens.I need to get the earth under my fingernails and commune with nature.
It was a good film, gentle British humour, and sad bits too.its good to be back..
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