The cold weather brought me flocks of birds feeding in the garden.This Chaffinch is a new arrival this year.I was saying to Cat I have not seen a Chaffinch for ages.He must have heard because he was hopping around the garden enjoying the bird food.
I went shopping instead of gardening and got my US dollars for New York,a new guidebook,and some Camera Batteries.
I bought a Cherry Tree from Asda today on an impulse.It was only £6!
I have five trees to plant now so I hope that the weather improves tomorrow so I can get them planting.
I was reading about Grape vine pruning,and it has left me more mystified than before.I want to grow it inside the greenhouse in a pot but what to grow it up?It will be trial and error trying to grow the grapes.
I watched a good program called Butterflies,Bee's,and Blooms presented by Sarah Raven.She was saddened by how the changing rural landscape in the country has decimated our native wildflowers,and how the knock on effect was that the pollinating insects are getting sick.She was trying to reverse the decline,and try to resurrect the traditional wildflower meadow.She wanted part of a village green in Northamptonshire to be wildflower meadow,and a farmer tried a six metre wide wildflower strip around his arable crops that would benefit insects and attract predators to defend his crops.The next episode will deal with urban gardens.
I hope that I can get my fruit trees planted tomorrow.
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