The Viburnum flowers. They dont smell on this particular plant. The flowers are so gorgeous with five sided petals, and airy bits sticking up.
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
I love viburnums!
Thats a nice flower, we have a scented one in the gardens. I hope you are enjoying your times off.
The Viburnum flowers are beautiful! Another new flower I`m not familiar with.
Carol,I love them too..
UkBob if it was scented it would be perfection.A glorious looking shrub with flowers and scent..
Tea, its a council shrub planted on the roadside.Only green thumbs stop to admire the planting!!
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