New growth on the rose bush.The colour is a mixture of burgundy and green.I want some David Austin roses for the Long border.I love the foliage, the thorns, and the flowers.Especially if they are scented.No wander roses have been grown for thousands of years.They touch us on many levels.
I dream of being in a rose garden, watching the bee's, and surrounded by the scents and sights of the flowers.Even when they pass their flowering perfection the shape changes of the flower, and other colours come out.
Have you ever visited David Austin's rose gardens? I was there last year in May. I wish I had been there a bit later, as a lot of the roses weren't blooming yet, but it was still wonderful! I love the roses he grows, I have several in my own garden.
Are you close enough to visit the David Austin Rose Gardens? Oh, how I'd love to do that. I'm thinking of mail-ordering some.
I've loved seeing all the pictures of them online of our various blog friends this past growing season. Absolutely beautiful!
Salix tree, If I go home to see my Mum I will try to drop by.Its near Wolverhampton which is the midlands.The pictures from the website look amazing.Beautiful sculptured gardens with sumptuous rose displays.True English Rose gardens.
Kerri I want to order some soon.My next payday, just need to find the catalogue and stop drooling...
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