The Autumn has caught up with the Hosta's.The leaves have changed to a golden brown/yellow colour, nearly gold. They will die back and dissapear beneath the soil untill next year.
They are the sleeping giants of the square border rising from the earth, with green sail like leaves, and later on purple flowers!
I love Hostas, need to be like Sigrun and collect more types to go next to my orange tea rose bushes!!
Hi again David!
Thanks for visiting my blog. :)
I agree that is was karma that I saw your garden blog as it went past on the updated list, and then again that I was able to click on it in time! I was very pleased at my wild impulse. Your blog is beautiful and has peaceful inspiritational thoughts.
I will be visiting again, to be sure. As an artist, I greatly appreciate your photography. The hosta photo is really nice. I love to find beauty in all things, and you captured wonderful colors and shapes from something most people would pull up and compost without a second glance. Your gift will help others to find such beauty in their lives, also.
You might like my last post called "Raining Love and Peace".
(You can see some of my art by clicking on my homepage link.)
Very nice photograph.
Almost poetic in a way.
you are welcome Kristen.You are an amazing artist.I try to photograph the essence that you paint..
Becky, i was drawn to the colours today.Its not flowering and its hardly got any green but it was very pretty.The post title jumped out as i wrote it.Autumn is a mixture of fire, gold, and earth in the colours i have seen.Love the butterfly link.The only one i had visit was a white butterfly.I never knew they had host plants.. time for research!
I love hostas too and would love to have a collection of them one day. I only have three types right now.
You've got a lovely blog and I love you precious Tia. :) I would love to have a cat but we have a dog who would probobly try to eat it if we got one.:( Horrible, I know.
Anyway, take care.
Thanks Salina, we can share notes on Hostas.Sigrun has hundreds of hostas in her german garden!Thanks for the nice comment about the blog.
I would love a dog but the cats are too set in their ways i think.
Snappy, I think the more hostas you collect, the more you may become hooked...it's a sickness! My mom and sister are longtime hosta freaks, and we swap constantly! My recent affliction involves the mini's...you can tuck them anywhere, and they are WAY cute!
That hosta photos is wonderfull! My hostas are still very little, I am dreaming of having such huges ones like in Sigrun's garden.
Hope you had a great bonfire night!
Lisa, I would love a hosta collection.I think they are wanderful plants.They calm the square border down with the explosion of orange roses!!
Anita, you and me both.The little hostas of today become big hostas of tomorrow!!
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