The busy lizzie flower. like red satin..

Cottinus changing colour in November..

The Anemone De Caen flower bud.Have you ever seen them flowering in November?
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
Strange, roses in November... The next post on my blog will be about strawberries in October (and your last question on my bulbs will as well be answered). Isn't that strange, too?
Anyway, what a beautiful red rose! Enjoy it as long as you can, the winter will be dreary.
Cant wait Anita, the red flowers are busy lizzie and Anemones.I still have strawberries growing in the corner bed.Im sure the winter will be long and cold.Plenty of time for dreaming!
Nice pictures.
Yes, I think winter will be long. It is already raining cats and dogs here and I have not finished preparing my garden for winter.
Hiya Snappy! I love impatiens, they glow so in the evenings. I too have a couple of anemone still blooming now. I must take a pic of what's still blooming soon.
I've been sitting at my table today sorting through all my seeds to send to you. I shall send some hot pepper seeds as well from the long pinochio ones. I hope I remember all the seeds you are wishing for! I know you wanted onions!
Some cuttings are ready to go as well, so give me a day or so to sort all that out and i'll send it soon!
Becky, neither have I prepared,I just do odd jobs.Its rained here cats and dogs..
Salix, love looking at your photos whats blooming.I will try to grow whatever you send.Hope its not too wet in Ireland!!
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