Viola has been chomped.This was the only flower i could see on the long border.The yellow centre is like a rising sun.Damn your eyes slugs and snails!!
Lunching on a thing of beauty :(
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
Do you notice how they keep smiling now matter what they have been through? Hopefully she will be back next spring with more beauty than ever!
There always seems to be something wanting to eat, idg up or stand on our flowers - poor things. It will be interesting to see what your mystery plant turns in too, hope the slugs don't get it! Enjoy your time off snappy.
Hi Flora, there is always something wanderful about the viola's.They will return next year im sure..
UK Bob, gardens are full of plant predators.Eating, digging up, and treading on flowers!Will try to enjoy my time off.
Oh, the poor little viola! ;-((( It almorst hurts to see one of my favourite flowers in that "damaged" condition... ;-((
Fortunately, I did not have a single snake in my garden since I started gardening in 2004! Cross my fingers that the keep away forever!
Oh, the poor little viola! ;-((( It almorst hurts to see one of my favourite flowers in that "damaged" condition... ;-((
Fortunately, I did not have a single snake in my garden since I started gardening in 2004! Cross my fingers that the keep away forever!
Anita,there is an Echo!glad you did not find any snakes!
Slugs are people too . . .
that's not right
is it ? ? ?
But the photo is great, it's what life is made of. Thanks for sharing.
Damage at my place, too....mostly bunnies chowing on the regrowth brought on by our recent warm spell. Oh well...that's life!
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