The euphorbia has magic colours even in November.

Nasturtium, contrasting to the grey box.
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
Beautiful. I do love your blog!
I love the colors of the euphorbia and the drops of water just finish off the photo! Stunning!
Our garden too, is going into its winter sleep but we still have some fall colors left on the trees.
Here in Albany, Oregon the days and nights are getting colder and we have had a lot of rain and flooding this past week in Oregon.
Your garden is holding some pretty color yet where I am afraid any color I had in the garden looks a little soggy now, ha, ha! The only thing I like about the winter is that everyday of winter brings us closer to spring!!
Tht best of this euphorbia is, that it is wintergreen! I have two of them.
Thanks Kristen, love the 1000 mile cat story too!!
Flora, glad you liked the photo.Plenty of rain jas fallen recently...
Faira, the garden here is running out of steam.The shrubs are taking centre stage now.Nice blog you have got..
Sigrun, i loved your pumpkin recipe.Sounds delicious.Nice plates too!
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