Spoooky, ghostly Cara floating away on the grass.The under gardener.
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
Cara, looks so much like my cats, in personality at least. My cats love the outdoors even with the rain. I see them from my kitchen window running through the garden rain, chasing each other and then in through the pet door they come sop and wet, for a bite to eat and to take their dailey naps upon the bed.
David, If you enjoy pets and pet people... look on my right side bar and you will find a list of Jengibre's pet friends. I know they would enjoy sharing thoughts with you and a walk through your garden, they are faithful Blogging friends and pet owners but be careul they are a hard bunch to keep up with, I often fall behind on my comments.
Faira, that sounds like a description of Tia and Cara.They gallavant around the garden, then come inside for some food, stroking, and catching up on cat naps.
I will visit your sidebar for Jengibre's pet friends.I left some names today for the un named cat who found his way to your washing machine!
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