I have finished my five day stretch at work.The weather has got colder, the sun has been shining. The garden is looking like it has partied all over the summer and is feeling tired now.My only flowers are a few busy lizzies, some late anemones, and Erysimum.
The orange roses have lost their leaves and are just stems, slightly frost bitten.
My nasturtiums have been bitten by a frost monster, and are shrivelled up.
I have two days to relax, recharge my batteries and to tidy up the fireworks, replace the holes in the ground, and do some weeding.The soil is going back to its bare state, the blank canvas of January..
The cycle of the year is three quarters of the way around.I have some post ideas as there is not lots growing.I found it hard to get a good photo today, i took a few.
Need to reply to all my comments,thanks for reading!You are all welcome!!
I finally got a copy of Joanne Harris's Blackberry Wine at the library. I'm only a bit of the way into it, but I think I am getting an idea of why you would recommend the book.
(So far I am still liking her Five Quarters of the Orange best, though.)
I love your bluejay and Crow.I enjoyed Blackberry wine, and Five quarters of the orange.Im struggling with Coastliners though..
It inspired me to make fruit wine Dandelion, and the Plum wine!!
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