Monarda Lambada still flowering in November..smells like sage...

Colours of the Euphorbia.

Erysimum hanging on by a thread..

Lavender plant, it still smells divine!
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." (~Abram L. Urban)
Oh, that monarda looks nice. Is it the second bloom this year?
Yes, lavender smells wonderful throughout the year.
P.S.: Did you receive my mail? Hope it did not end up in your spam filter...
Wow, those plants are still really healthy looking! That Monarda Lambada is interesting, I`m not familiar with it. Those raindrops look like little crystals.
You were mentioning the kingfisher/flower picture I found....great find. Sure wish that happened more often! No, my house isn`t all filled with pretty things, but I`m trying to have a few and some intersting ones eventually LOL
Dear Snappy.
Would you mind if l added you to my blog links, l am forever popping by when l see your comments on other blogs. Love the photos you post and your blog is very interesting to me as we both have similar plantings. That book sounds like a good one for Christmas (Growing out of trouble).
Keep well and bests for now,
Anita, thanks for the email.I did receive it with the BBC gardening news.The monarda is flowering still, it probably has flowered a second time.They flower from the bottom layer of the cake upwards. Lavender is one of my fav smells...
Tea, they are the only thing left flowering in the garden!!That is the first time i have grown them from seed successfully.The euphorbia holds rain like little jewels.Hope you get more pictures like the Kingfisher.Love it!I have a lot of pretty things.Sallyanne cant believe how many things I have collected.
Horizon,I would be delighted if you added me to my links.Im glad you like the photos.Taking them and blogging them has become an addictive pastime.I would love that book for Xmas.Will drop by soon.
That lavender plants looks great, I tried to grow some in Florida but they don’t do well in our hot weather
I like Lavender, I think the lady of the big house wants me to grow some, I'm looking forward to that as we don't have any in the garden at teh moment.
What beautiful plants. I especially like the monarda lambada. We have had some pretty cold evenings here in Illinois, so lots of my plants are yellowing, drooping, and falling over. Still a few are hanging in there.
I think blue/green foliage is always refreshing to see even if not flowering.
We grew lavender for the first time successfully this year.
Lavender is my favourite too! I keep a sachet of it in my handbag. Its is like a little bag of calm in there.
Thanks Rusty, at least you can look at pics.There will be things you can grow though where they would die here..
Pmo3ws, thanks for dropping by.I will visit your blog soon..
Roybe, different coloured foliage lifts gardens so there is something to look at all year round.
Peggy, that is nice.I use it under my pillow to aid sleep.
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