I worked early shift today, hence the sunrise pictures at 5.30am this morning, fell asleep afterwards, and woke up with an urge to rush around outside photographing new growth etc.I hated the sunny days when i am working in a busy acute hospital ward with all its ups and downs.I can look outside and see how sunny it is, and imagine myself back in my garden.
The amazing thing is whats grown as i have been working hard and sleeping.The snapdragons have doubled in size, the Erysimums and forget me nots have some early flowers on.The seedlings have sprouted up.Nasturtiums, Oxalis Deepei, Anemone Mr Fokker, and inside the evening primrose's and Mon Lam (what is it?I cant recognise the seedlings yet.Mystery plant will be revealed in time) are growing nicely.
There has been cat damage to the coalshed border, the cats have tossed out a forget me not which got baked in the sun.Alas to the compost bin for that unlucky plant.Charles Darwin would be chuckling, Kitty litter trays is not the selection pressure he dreamed and saw in the Galapogas islands!!
The Foxgloves have spikes growing skywards, and the carnations have put up stems lofting up.I love foxgloves the name (Who has ever seen foxes in gloves?We English have terrible upper classes who used to hunt poor foxes.They are part of british culture and live now in cities coming out at night.I love them, damn the hunters).Why Foxgloves?Why not squirrel gloves?Badger gloves?
Will look it up later on google or ask jeeves.
I found again for the third year a Chrysanthenum seedling self seeded.It has spread an inch or two.Lethargic seed pods!!
I watered the hanging basket.I will water again tomorrow morning before my late shift and take more pics in the daylight.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
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I know what you mean about the frustration of having to work when you want to be gardening. I work from home so that it's constantly tempting to just abandon my desk job and head outside. It takes every bit of discipline I have (which isn't much) to keep myself at my computer slogging away (or sneaking a peek at a blog). On days like the that the back yard seems so close and yet so far!
The garden has become a retreat for me from the high stress of work with all its politics, restructuring, and human suffering.I can think of being in the garden and wish it was sunny when im off.As it rains it will be followed by sunshine.
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