Saturday, May 13, 2006

'sous la pluie'

Today was my first day off in seven days and i was excited.Alas when i woke up it was pouring down with rain.Sallyanne had promised Rob (son in law) that i would go across to help him clean up his knottingley garden on the Warwick estate.
I took a few pics of my garden before we got a taxi....
In Knottingley the weeds had totally overran every border that i had helped constuct a year ago.A lot of houses have unkempt gardens, some are beautifully kept.Robs was so overgrown it looked untouched by any human hand.I love the wild look but the weeds were so rampant and big that the plants were smothered and hidden.
It was like a treasure hunt, discovering plants beneath weeds, grass, thistles, sticky weeds, nettles, etc.They had grown up to three foot high!I did find Tansy and buttercups which are beautiful wild flowers though.
Some plants Rob could not identify so i am posting do you know what it is pics?Because i dont and he doesnt.A lot of his garden plants come via his mother who has labels sometimes other times not.
I worked in it for about four hours.Deweeded the back and alpine bed, and from the front fence border along the house to the front gate and up to the side.Rob has two borders left to de weed but the heavily infested ones are done.It was so wet my hands turned to aged skin like a long bath....
Im hoping for some drier weather tomorrow.My grass needs cutting and i need to plant the morning glories in their flowering sites.I want to go to my grocers shop and buy their honeysuckle but have wait untill its open on monday!I am missing french marigolds the seed packets i had have vanished.
My borders are filling out, the grass is greening up, and its progressing really well with only a few minor hiccups!Photos to follow of Robs mystery plants....

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