The first photo is the view from the backdoor through the french doors. They open out onto the decking area, complete with ships balustrade around three parts of the decking (the third part is on the left hand side not visible in the photo).
It drops down onto the paving slabs besides the house and is bordered by a long rectangular raised bed that had some very old woody shrubs, and some smaller dog eared ones. Also visible is the Swing/Slide/Decking frame for the kids that was left behind, the compost bin, and the Shed/Temporary Structure.
The green tub planter had three Strawberry plants left over from the previous owners. Behind the raised bed area there is a square section of railway sleepers. This has been turned into a miniature Strawberry Bed.
Like everything it sounds much simpler than it is. Moving has been a nightmare at times with problems everywhere. The garden is my source of refuge from stress. I can sit by the back door and look out at the bird feeders. I can visualise new sections to the garden, and dream a little more.
The garden itself runs along an East/West route and has Sun in the back garden most of the day hence the term its a sun trap. It is situated in a man made valley, surrounded by a house on the right, and behind the left fence a house set back. Behind the Shed there are further row of houses behind Trees. There are three big Conifers to the left with at least one large Tree behind it.
On the right hand side there are three smaller trees and a large Hedgerow that runs along the neighbours border.
There is a mixture of Environment for the garden birds to live on hence the Dawn Chorus here starts around 4am and is still going strong now at 10am! It is alive with singing, chirping, and whistling sounds in the sunshine.
I brought over a hundred and twenty pots with me to fill the new garden with sights and smells, foliage and flowers. The cash value of all the plants must be hundreds of pounds. I love to lavish money on the garden. I have already spent a good few hours in the new garden getting close to the earth and the birds. I have noticed that the insects have started to visit already. Beetles and worms that were not there originally. The soil was a mixture of builders sand and clay,and had not been dug over in a long time.
The transformation has begun. I think the best gardening projects are best done full of enthusiasm and passion, but never done fully to completion. It always good to have something else to do. The after photos will be blogged soon.
I cannot wait to see what you do with this yard!!! This is going to be fun! Enjoy your blog so much.
Tijeras, NM USA
Your large description is excellent for my English learning. I like the way you show us the initial photos of your garden and I am very impatient to see the result month after month.
Thanks for sharing your passion.
Crépy-en-Valois / France
Having moved recently myself I will be following with interest. My patch has been uncultivated for the last 10 years (at least) so at the moment its a battle ground with nettles and weeds - i kid myself that I am enjoying the challenge!
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